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Abstract Submission February 1 - May 1, 2025

Abstract Submission Policy

We welcome abstracts from work in progress or work published in the past one year.  If published, please include the citation. Abstracts will be considered for both oral and poster presentation.

Please use the following guidance to prepare your abstract:

All abstracts must be written in English and submitted through the online submission system. Use sentence case for your title.

Do not include references, tables, or mathematical equations in the abstract. Avoid acronyms and, where necessary, spell them out when used for the first time (common abbreviations in epidemiology such as OR, RR, RD, and CI do not need to be spelled out). Select a primary and secondary topic area from the list, which will be used to organize sessions. The abstract should not exceed 2,000 characters, INCLUDING spaces. Title and author information are not included in the 2,000 character limit. One figure is allowed to accompany each abstract submission (optional).

Presentation of methodologic details and analysis results will assist reviewers in judging the quality of the research. Findings that advance knowledge are weighed more favorably than confirmation of established relations. Clarity and brevity of writing will allow evaluation of the importance of the research.