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Become a Sponsor: be the spark that brings change Sponsorship enables students and early career researchers as well as colleagues from lower-income countries to participate in the conference.

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Example: A $5,000 contribution would support up to two international participants or five US based attendees.

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Why should I become a S4HS Conference Sponsor?

Join us in shaping the future of global health systems. Your contribution to our conference fund directly supports travel scholarships for students and early career researchers as well as colleagues  from lower-income countries—voices that must be part of the conversation. Together, we can break down barriers, amplify diverse perspectives, and drive impactful health system reforms. Partner with us today!

What does my sponsorship do?

Showcase your commitment to advancing health systems worldwide

Your brand on conference promotional materials.

Emails, website, communications, etc.

Support students & early career researchers as well as colleagues from lower income countries